A review by sharondblk
A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away, by Christopher Brookmyre


I really enjoyed this book. It's a romp, where you know from the beginning that the good guys will sort it out - even if it statistically unlikely.

The gender stuff in this book is delightful - particularity in relation to Angelique, the heroine that I hope we see more of in the next book.

There is this though:

Going home at night you may be worried about the train crashing, or getting jumped on that stretch of pavement where the streetlight is knackered; not that the sportsbag in the luggage rack opposite is packed with Sarin gas, or that the next parked car you walk past might explode. If you did, you'd never be able to leave the house.

I think Christopher Brookmyre does not suffer for anxiety. You might be surprised at what some of us worry about, but we still manage to leave the house everyday.