A review by erinarkin20
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge


Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge is inspired by the Little Red Riding Hood tale and I enjoyed what Hodge did with this story.

Rachelle’s story begins when she is fifteen and apprenticed to her aunt in learning to protect her village from the dark magic that threatens them. Thinking she can outwit the dangers in the forest, Rachelle breaks the rules her aunt gave to her and becomes tied to the evil that made her what she is, a bloodbound. Not only that, a bloodbound who serves the King.

As Rachelle receives some information that the Devourer is returning to bring about “endless night”, she decides her mission is to find the only thing that will destroy the Devourer, a sword that was forged for that purpose alone. To add a bit of a challenge, she is also assigned to protect his son, Armand. Armand is not someone Rachelle respects, mostly because of the message he projects.

Armand is the King’s illegitimate son and looked upon as a martyr because he supposedly faced the bloodbound and refused to kill. As punishment, the forestborn chopped off his hands but let him live. This does not sit well with Rachelle because she knows a forestborn would never forget to claim someone and she hates that she is forced to guard someone who reminds her everyday about what she did and what she is,

As Rachelle searches for the sword, she and Armand come to an agreement and begin to search together. While Rachelle is looking to eliminate the Devourer, Armand has a secret agenda and he uses his relationships to help further his cause.

I enjoyed seeing the change in the relationship between Rachelle and Armand. At first she doesn’t respect Armand and eventually as she learns more about him and what he has been through, she begins to understand him…or so she thinks. When something happens between Rachelle and Armand that makes her doubt everything between them, Rachelle ends up in the arms of Erec.

Erec is a bloodbound and he also is the King’s right hand man. Erec is also the man who helped Rachelle adjust to her role serving the King. Although Rachelle never really trusted Erec, she found herself drawn to him and was constantly fighting the urge she had to give in to him. When Rachelle ends up in Erec’s arms, she finds out some things she never expected and I have to admit, it was a twist I wasn’t expecting.

So there is a lot more to this story than I am mentioning but I can’t really mention a lot as I don’t want to give anything away. I thought Hodge did a good job of building the world in this story and she has used the Little Red Riding Hood story as a base to create a story that includes magic, action, and some swoony parts. Consider checking this story out when you can. I found myself quickly turning the pages to see what was going to happen next and with all of the twists and turns, it was one of those books that kept me interested until the very last page.

Thank you to the publisher and Edelweiss for the review copy.