A review by s4llym4nder
William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope by Ian Doescher


"“[Luke, holding stormtrooper helmet.] Alas, poor stormtrooper, I knew ye not,/ yet have I taken both uniform and life/ From thee. What manner of a man wert thou?/ A man of inf'nite jest or cruelty?/ A man with helpmate and with children too?/ A man who hath his Empire serv'd with pride?/ A man, perhaps, who wish'd for perfect peace?/ What'er thou wert, goodman, thy pardon grant/ Unto the one who took thy place: e'en me.” ― Ian Doescher, William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope

Being both an avid Shakespeare and Star Wars fan, this book was perfection! From R2D2's cunning and loquacious asides to Han's heart-wrenching identity crisis in perfect iambic pentameter, Doescher's masterpiece is 3,076 lines of absolute gorgeousness. Highly recommended.