A review by nietzschesghost
Devotion by Alex Sinclair


Devotion is crime fiction crossed with chick-lit, and I for one was not expecting the fact that it started innocuously enough before pulling the rug from under you and switching direction; it certainly begins with a bang. It's well written with a style that engages you and ends up with you wanting to read it all in a single nail-biting sitting. This certainly had one of the most shocking twists slap bang in the centre of the story. It is an exciting and addictive read in which the characters are developed sufficiently and the main protagonist is a character you can really get behind when everything unravels and on the journey to rehabilitation and recovery. It is very different from the usual gritty thrillers I regularly read in that it is much more based around family drama. I think that is probably what helped with my enjoyment of this.

As with many domestic-based thrillers, it revolves around a lack of trust and abuse between newlyweds, Katherine and Corey and from there it only goes downhill with the story becoming increasingly emotional and incredibly tense. With a potent mix of captivating plot, intriguing twists, an unexpected conclusion and a cast of interesting characters, this is a clever book I was loathe to put down, and a dark, disturbing and slow-burn psychological thriller with just enough to keep me on tenterhooks for the majority of it. If you liked Alex Sinclair's other books in this genre then you will likely also love Devotion; it is significantly more women's fiction than thriller but I enjoyed it all the same. Many thanks to Bloodhound Books for an ARC.