A review by graff_fuller
The Fall of Richard Nixon: A Reporter Remembers Watergate by Tom Brokaw


3.5 Stars

Wow, reading this book in this day in age (mid-August 2021)...after the debacle of POTUS Donald Trump and the January 6th storming of the Capitol Building...reading the incendent that lead to the Fall of Richard Nixon...I could see SO many parallels. It is actually frightning.

I was raised very conservative, and my Da always said that history would treat President Nixon fairer than his own time in Office (and shortly there after). Well, that definitely will not happen in my lifetime, nor ever.

The things that he did, were criminal. Call it like you see it. Irrefutable evidence was gathered of wrong doing...some even in his own voice damning himself.

Cut to this last president. I got to the point that I blocked every, I mean EVERY mention of his name and derogatory nicknames on my Social Media apps. I would have voted for the Donkey of the Democratic party INSTEAD of allowing THAT man a minute more in Office. What a blight on this country. Ugh. Words really cannot contain my frustration in his adminastration, and the idiots that to this day still fight for him. Unbelievable. Something from President Snow in the Hunger Games.

Well, reading this book has put a number of things into perspective. One, the country acted in the best interest of the people and actually removed Nixon from Office. It saddens me that in our time, we have not learned from previous lessons...and allowed an egomaniac to ride out his days (actually viewing it as a victory)...to the point that he tried to have a coup to stay in Office.

So, I can say that Richard Nixon is a better man than Donald Trump EVER was. Misguided and wrong, doing criminal things while in Office, but at least he walked away...when the country said to go.

I was young when these things were happening (being born in 1966), but so many of the names that were mentioned in this book were household names that effected the course of this country.

Should you read this book? Well, it is biased...for sure, but I do believe that Tom Brokaw is fairly fair. Actually more fair than I would be if I had to write a book of the Fall of Donald Trump (that's for sure).

There are probably many of sources that would be a LOT more interesting and would go into depth of what EXACTLY he (Nixon) did wrong, but for my head, this book touched on what I really wanted to know...and drew a line and described the events as they happened. It's a fairly good account through the eyes (and recollection) of a reporter of that time.

I'm glad that I read it.