A review by charliemudd
Crazy by William Peter Blatty


I absolutely loved Blatty's The Ninth Configuration when I read it in my teens. And although Blatty seemed like he was right on the cusp of being a bad writer, that is where some great writers live -- almost like the writers' talent line is circular, with the spectrum of the really good right there next to the really bad. (I mean look at Cormac McCarthy or Orson Scott Card -- they live on that edge.) This novel proves this theory. Blatty scoots on around the spectrum to the truly awful, and writes a feel-good, over-the-top, obvious plot about God and heaven that won't even surprise the cheesiest of the holy-rollers out there. His movie quotes and actor references, laid on thick because the main character is a screenwriter, were either too much or inscrutable. Boo and yuck.