A review by juliasgomez
Always, Abigail by Nancy J. Cavanaugh


I had no idea whatsoever it would be good. Honestly, when I got asked by the publisher to review this; it took me a while to know if I should actually say yes.
I thought that this would be just another middle school disaster story that everyone has read enough of.
But, it was better than most.

My Thoughts:
This is a quick, fun read. I read it in one sitting. Yes, it was one of those middle school disaster stories. Just like every other book; best friend ditches her. This time her best friend ditches her for the popular group. Cliche right?
But I did promise this book was better than the other middle school disaster books. And it was. That's because this book didn't drag on and on about how miserable Abigail was and blahblah.
I thought it was very unique to have the book told entirely in lists. A cool spin on the usual diary type books.
Also, Abigail was relateable. Come on guys; who didn't have a best friend who ditched you?

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