A review by kasfire
Conspiracy of Shadows (Solar Apocalypse Saga Book 3) by D. Michael Withrow


5/5 Stars

A thrilling continuation of a fantastic dystopian series.

There's so much to be said about this novel that its hard to put into words. The characters are phenomenal and life-like. It is so easy to connect and see the political drama from each viewpoint.

D. Michael Withrow also has a way of writing action sequences. There's enough suspense that you don't know if our heroes will make it, but at the same time you can see the fights go down in your mind's eye.

If I say any more, I might spoil the book. But just know that your emotions will run high, your heart will want to burst from your chest, and you won't want to put this down!

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review