A review by markk
Doctor Who: Blood Heat by Jim Mortimore


I sought out this Doctor Who novel in the Virgin New Adventures line after enjoying [b:The Face of the Enemy|882838|Doctor Who The Face of the Enemy|David A. McIntee|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1507472009s/882838.jpg|868115] and [b:The Time Travellers|74472|Doctor Who The Time Travellers|Simon Guerrier|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1387743133s/74472.jpg|72030] in the Past Doctor Adventures series, the plots of both of which also involved alternate timelines in the Who universe. It was my first VNA novel, and unfortunately it will probably be the last, as it just wasn't as good as the PDA books I've read. Part of this may be attributable to elements unique to Jim Mortimore’s writing, or perhaps to the fact that I just didn’t warm to the characters of Bernice Summerfield and the more warrior-like Ace in the VNAs. Or perhaps it was because the story wasn't resolved within the novel, as the events in it proved part of some overarching contest between the Doctor and some unnamed Big Bad whom he would face again in the next novel. But with so many Doctor Who novels out there to choose from and only a finite amount of time available to read, I think I will invest it in other series that seem truer to what it is I enjoy most in a Doctor Who novel.