A review by recyclops229
Majesty by Katharine McGee


So far I’m really enjoying this series, although I did like book one better than this one.

I think my biggest annoyance with the books is that almost all of their issues would be resolved with communication and I get that sometimes that doesn’t happen “for the plot” but it bugs me as a reader.

Example 1: Jeff didn’t believe Nina when she talked to him about Daphne — fine, he sucks, whatever. But why didn’t she tell Samantha? Surely Sam would’ve believed her best friend. Instead, Nina said nothing, Sam had Daphne training her on how to be more princess-like, Sam spilled the beans on Beatrice which Daphne then used as blackmail.

Example 2: Why tf didn’t Beatrice tell Jeff that Daphne blackmailed her? I don’t see why he wouldn’t believe his sister who has nothing to gain. If Sam said something, I could see him not believing her because she never liked Daphne but there’s no reason for Beatrice to badmouth Daphne. Now Jeff and Daphne are back together after she blackmailed the queen. How is Beatrice allowing a blackmailer to continue being so close to the royal family?!

I’m ready for Daphne to get her just desserts. She’s scheming, manipulative, and selfish and doesn’t deserve her happily ever after until she shows some real growth and character development. (3.5⭐️)