A review by slowreadersclub
White Bodies by Jane Robins


White Bodies is a darkly gripping, psychological character-driven novel about the relationship between two twin sisters, Callie and Tilda, and the seemingly perfect relationship between Tilda and Felix. Tilda is a stunning actress whose beauty and charisma makes her the centre of attention whenever she goes, and Callie, the narrator is the polar opposite of her sister. She is extremely reserved and introvert, preferring to observe and make notes about those around her, especially Tilda and her relationship with Felix.

I was fascinated by Callie as the narrator, who at times seemed totally unreliable and her obsession with Tilda was very unsettling, however, I couldn’t help but love her as a character, she had such an honest naivety about her that I found her truly endearing.

Robins is a beautiful writer who has created an exceptional novel, with multilayered characters that keep you guessing as to who is being deceptive, and who is unstable. Whilst some plot points were a little predictable, I still found that it kept me guessing in a lot of places and was a very creepy and unsettling read.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves psychological thrillers, and anything a little bit sinister.