A review by badcushion
Freeing Keiko: The Journey of a Killer Whale from Free Willy to the Wild by Kenneth Brower


This book is about three hundred pages long but plonks along feeling more like six hundred. It doesn't seem like there's a person connected to keiko's story, however tangential, who doesn't make an appearance in these pages; there's a page and a half on a teenage girl who works at a museum in Iceland near to where keiko is held prior to his final release, for goodness' sake. That same museum's 'stuffed fish of Iceland' exhibit is described twice in very similar language within twenty pages, which is just one of the many repetitions and unneeded overlaps in the book. The author also loves the rhetorical question, and has a huge number of variations on them: does keiko remember being free? Will he be able to be released safely? What is he thinking right now? How about now? How about NOW??

It's unfortunate that the book is poorly written, because there's an interesting story here about the captive life of keiko, and the process of returning him to the wild - the first such attempt ever. There are a number of factions involved here, and it's clear from the outset that the whale is both a moneymaker and a money drain, depending on who you ask. People with the most killer whale expertise have gotten it from the captive whale industry - a natural enemy to those who have studied and supported whales in the wild. A small aquarium becomes a way-station for keiko, but after the massive earning potential of the whale is in play, they have a vested interest in not returning him to the wild. I think some of this conflict could have added a lot to the book, had the author stripped out about nine million other players (whale fans! Whale psychics! A short history of the guy who designed the sailboat used to track keiko off Iceland!) who add nothing but chaos to the story.

I ended up skimming this book because reading it would have filled my head with nonsense, and taken about a week. It's an interesting story though; it would make a good book. Sadly, this is not that book.