A review by abigailbat
An Unspeakable Crime: The Prosecution and Persecution of Leo Frank by Elaine Marie Alphin


In 1913, thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan went by the pencil factory where she worked to pick up her paycheck. She didn't make it out alive. Police searched for clues as to who had beaten and raped her, at first suspecting the African-American watchman. Eventually they arrested and prosecuted Leo Frank, the factory's Jewish superintendent. Leo Frank was lynched... for a crime he may not have committed.

Painstaking research obviously went into this book and it's a fascinating and important story. I think, though, that it almost goes into too much detail for its audience. I found my attention wandering and I have to admit that I skimmed much of it.

Read more on my blog: http://abbylibrarian.blogspot.com/2010/03/book-review-unspeakable-crime.html