A review by readivine
My Plain Jane by Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand


Second half-hearted read with Maica the indecisive and cramming reader
"You bewitched my horse. And not only my horse."
Welp. So far that's my favorite quote HAHAHAHAHHA *sighs*

To say that I was excited to read this one is an understatement rather, I WAS DYING TO GOBBLE THIS., now that sounds about right. UNFORTUNATELY, (Yes, nothing good indeed follows the word "unfortunately") this seems to be an astonishing disappointment. I've loved [b:My Lady Jane|22840421|My Lady Jane (The Lady Janies, #1)|Cynthia Hand|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1444923765s/22840421.jpg|42397220] and the unconventional narration it used so ofc I would have expected a lot of the same energy in this book AND a different perspective BECAUSE THEY ARE OFC NOT. THE. SAME. BOOK.

However, as my dear cramming buddy reader would have said: THIS FELT LIKE A CHEAP IMITATION. *nods aggressively* MPJ actually started off great and everything was going smoothly. I was so sure that the low ratings I've seen from others just reflects their taste and not the entirety of this book. The opening chapter was quite a hilarious narrative and could hook anyone unwittingly. The authors injected their humorous narration and witty dialogues effectively in these first few chapters and I was quite excited with how things would unfold when the actual plot plays on. But of course, everything else plummeted by that point.

The premise is very interesting and if it was only executed properly, I think I would have given this a 5-star rating. The problem with this book for me, are the following:

1. The Plot
As what I've said the premise is one to gush over but as the plot unfolded here, every twist and turn seemed all over the place. As a reader, I think it's important to not be overwhelmed by everything happening in the book. Sure, it's enjoyable when there's actual action happening than passive normal occurrences. However, I think MPJ had overdone it. It's a giant mess, to be honest, and on top of that, almost every setup was predictable. I have nothing against predictable plots as long as it was written well and executed properly. My Lady Jane had a lot of predictable scenes but it was due to the amazing dialogues that elevated it. This, on the other hand, doesn't seem to live up with its predecessor.

I understand that the MC doesn't have to be a perfect one and ofc there's this thing called "character development". Jane, on the other hand, just doesn't feel like an MC. I loved Charlotte and Alexander's side story more.
Spoiler Actually I DON'T LIKE THE PREDICTABLE PARTS WHEN ALEXANDER DIED-NOT-DIED AND I FIGURED IT OUT EARLY ON THAT HE'S ALEXANDER BELL NOT BLACKBURN. *double sighs* but his relationship with Charlotte is probably the only adorable thing that I love with this book so thanks for that.

3. Narration
My Lady Jane was known for a wonderful twist in historical fiction but most especially with its breaking-the-fourth-wall narration. I didn't find it the least bit annoying at all but in MPJ they were just too staged and unnecessary.

[b:My Plain Jane|36301023|My Plain Jane (The Lady Janies, #2)|Cynthia Hand|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1507936746s/36301023.jpg|51943406] was supposed to be a supernatural "adventure of Gothic proportions". Unfortunately, it seemed to be a try-hard imitation of My Lady Jane instead. I will still read the third installment of course because I would love to give the authors a second chance. I really like the writing style and I just wish [b:My Calamity Jane|31284532|My Calamity Jane (The Lady Janies, #3)|Cynthia Hand|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|51943420] would restore my love for this series.