A review by manadabomb
Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible: The Fascinating History of Everything in Your Closet by Tim Gunn


I'm a huge fan of Project Runway and Tim Gunn. I found this book at my library while I was skimming the shelves for new knitting books to check out and investigate. My local library is pretty small, as is the town I live in, so fashion books were literally shelfmates with the knitting books.

From what I've gleaned from the show and Gunn's other books, he likes the classics, but also likes a statement. But a tasteful statement. He's fussy about fashion but knows his stuff. This book cemented that impression.

Gunn walks us through the history of every article of clothing in your closet. He goes as in-depth as he can, and it's a pretty substantial book, but he notes fairly often that there is even more history that he has to skip over. Fashion has, apparently, been in our DNA since the dawn of time. Gunn covers: Underwear (it is your foundation to fashion, after all), T-shirts, dresses, jeans, dress shirts, belts, capri pants and shorts (word to the wise: if you adore your cargo pants, Gunn has some harsh words about them so man up), ties and scarves, coats, hosiery, sweaters, athletic wear (NO YOGA PANTS AT THE STORE), handbags, coats, etc.

The most important thing, I think, to come away from this book is

LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. Please, for the love of God, quit wearing them as pants. Yoga pants should not be your casual wear to run errands. I love my yoga pants, but they stay on me only in the house. I don't wear them out to run errands nor should you.
Fashion definitely has its ups and downs. There are areas I do disagree with Mr. Gunn, such as, I do like my cargo pants. Are they attractive? I'm quite sure they are not, but I wear them anyways. I agree about the leggings and yoga pants. I agree about fit - wear clothes that FIT, not the size you wish you were. Americans have gotten to the point where comfort trumps style and that is a bit sad. Sure, it's comfortable to go to the grocery store in pajamas but have some respect for yourself. Getting dressed and taking a bit of care with your appearance does wonders for your attitude. There have been outcries about this: specifically that people with depression can't get dressed. I disagree. I also have depression but I have yet to leave my house in my PJs. When I am very down and out, that's when I usually pull out the red lipstick and cute shoes. I want to feel better and taking care of myself is the start.

Off the soapbox there.....

This book is a very fun read. As a knitter, I really liked the sweater chapter and the brief history of knitting. Gunn is an excellent writer and so easily appalled by fashion faux pas' that it's very entertaining.