A review by annewithabook
Child of the Owl: Golden Mountain Chronicles: 1965 by Laurence Yep


This is a really enjoyable coming-of-age story. I really enjoyed understanding Casey's American upbringing as she goes to stay with her grandmother and find meaning in her Chinese heritage. Saying that, partially because this book is written for a younger audience, I never felt the book examined the differences of Chinese and American cultures in deep ways. The biggest differences seemed to be that Chinese people are superstitious and American people aren't (which isn't exactly true) and Chinese culture is much older and steeped in tradition, which simplifies both societies extremely. Saying that, Paw Paw is honestly my favorite character and such a great grandmother, teaching Casey meaningful lessons. Every quirky character Casey meets along the way was also enjoyable. A sweet book, but would have been better with more deeper examination of both cultures.