A review by aryelweasley
Gray's Blade by Elizabeth Stevens


This is a difficult book for me to rate. If I were rating this as a standalone novel without any other knowledge of No More Maybes I would probably give it a 3.5. That being said I did read it's counterpart, and I would actually more like rate this as a 2.5 based on that fact. So I'm splitting the difference here.

I love Cole. I love this story. This novel started out stronger than it ended in giving us insight into Cole's headspace. Some of his interactions left me feeling a bit cringy about his decision-making skills, but they were raw and real. I appreciated the knowledge of it and felt it only added to his character. That being said if you want to fall for Cole, read No More Maybes first. It's much easier to fall for him through Rory's eyes than from his own.

Much of this novel was quite literally cutting and pasting of it's counterpart. Large chunks of dialogue are repeated in multiple chapters, with very very little extra added to them. I was particularly disappointed to find that in the scene where
SpoilerAura puts her heart on the line and tells Cole exactly how she feels after Summer Formal and the reader got......NOTHING from Cole.
No inner monologue, no thoughts on how it was received, nothing. It was just the same exact dialogue as in No More Maybes, which don't get me wrong the dialogue was good at least on her end. But I was really hoping for more Cole in this scene. When the novel started out there were a lot of scenes that Aura simply wasn't in so the reader get's a stronger view point of just Cole's personality, I had hoped to continue getting this later on.
SpoilerLike when Cole fights Jaime for a second time, I wanted to see this from Cole's perspective! Instead, we got a one-liner about how he found out belatedly about the incident and felt he needed to step in.
In the end, their relationship and story were still great, but I wanted a lot more Cole and it felt like I got more repetitiveness instead.

Oh, my holy grammar issues batman. I've read quite a few of Elizabeth Stevens' books by now (I'm a big fan at this point), I'm used to her Aussie/British writing and I like it. That being said this book was simply riddled with actual grammatical errors. Like something would be copy/pasted from Aura's perspective in No More Maybes and a word or two wouldn't have been changed or were changed wrong. So instead of saying 'I saw her' it would say 'She saw her', etc.

Overall a great story, I'm glad I read it. I really like Elizabeth Stevens' novels.