A review by goldenfenris
The Last True Poets of the Sea by Julia Drake


I'm mostly just going to go with that this book was not for me, nor was it meant to be. I'm older than its intended age range. I'm not even sure if I would have enjoyed it as a teenager, but it is a little late to make that assessment. I found Violet to be extremely unlikable and annoying throughout, which I understand that she is supposed to be, but I didn't find her interesting or find myself routing for her at any point, however to a certain extent this could just be my age as well. A bigger issues for me though was that everything just felt unfinished or not particularly well done. The different arcs, the character development and growth, and even the setting just felt half-baked. They all left me wanting more, but not in a good way. I read more than my fair share of Y.A. and this just didn't really hold up when compared with some of the other books that I have read this year.