A review by kimberly_b
The Shadows by J.R. Ward


I'm not sure what to make of this latest BDB installment. Selena was a bit of a snoozefest for me. Ward freely admits that she sucks at writing women, and I certainly won't disagree with that self-assessment. Ward does write a great female character every now and then, but Selena certainly wasn't one of them. Now, a lot of fans are up in arms about the less than ideal HEA in The Shadows, but I could see it shaping up the way it did from the very beginning and didn't find it that upsetting. Out of the probably dozen POV's in The Shadows (seriously--there are a lot), iAm and Paradise were probably my favorites.

This wasn't the best BDB novel for me, but it also wasn't my least favorite either. The last book, The King, was SO good that I wonder if Ward just put so much into that one that The Shadows suffered a bit. I'm torn between rating this a 3 and a 3.5...for now I'm going to stick with a 3.

I saw that #14 is going to be about Rhage, which is a bit strange since #2 was all about him. Interesting...