A review by mzpolarbear
The Web of Titan by Dom Testa


The second book the Galahad Series and I have to say, I liked it better than the first one! The first book was setting the stage, introducing the characters, and in general laying the ground work for the coming books.

The Web of Titan jumps in to the story, assuming you have a basic idea of what has come before and who these characters are. This books focuses on the core characters, with a few secondary characters. I found that this focus made the story feel more connected, I had "people" to connect with, to route for, and to care for. By far the best character is Roc, the snarky computer, but the human characters are more developed, more fleshed out, and more complete, making the contest for best character tighter.

I like how the science of this voyage, the moon of Titan, and Saturn are incorporated into the story. It does not feel like a science lecture, but it makes me want to go out and learn more about the moons of Saturn, see the pictures of Titan.

The concept of alien life in our solar system is intriguing...and one that is so vastly different than humans is not only logical, but the way Mr Testa describes the Cassini makes the reader really think about why we as humans assume that other intelligent life must be similar in form and function to ourselves.

As the crew of the Galahad work together to advert yet another disaster, they learn more about themselves and it starts to really sink in that they really are the only ones left...and what happens next is all up to them. As they leave our known solar system, we the reader know that there will be more challenges ahead for our crew...but how many will be from an outside force and how many will be from the interpersonal dynamics of having 251 teenagers (plus one cat) living in one space.

And now that the Cassini know about the plague back on earth...will they do anything to assist? If so, will there be any way to let those on the Galahad know? Will that change the future of the Galahad's mission?