A review by matosapa
The Faithful Spy by Alex Berenson


I really wanted to like this because I have been on a tear lately for new thriller authors but it augured into the ground as soon as the author dumped in the - seemingly obligatory in this day and age - unnecessary romance. I'm all for suspending disbelief once I start reading but this was ridiculous.
Ignoring that component, the story had real promise for me. A seemingly rogue deep-cover agent for Al-Qaeda becomes involved in a terrorist plot on American soil that would make 9/11 seem small potatoes, packed with excellent detail and authenticity about US anti-terrorism efforts and capabilities, etc.
I peeked ahead at some reviews and cover blurbs for later books in the series and the "romance" seems to remain an integral part of the plot.
I'have enough new leads on other thriller authors to give this series a pass.