A review by rosetyper9
Midnight Alley by Rachel Caine


As I siad in my last review poor Claire can't just catch a freaking break. It keeps piling up, more and more crap for her to deal with. I feel so bad for her. Claire is like Anita Blake's less gun happy younger sister. Having to be best friends with the vampires even through they keep trying to kill her. I can't say I am to pleased with the deal she makes with the founder but, I can see the necessity, some people will go to any length to protect the people they love. Also, would someone just kill Eve's crazy brother already, jeeze, can't be that difficult, he is human (for the moment).

I think the fact that the founder was going to give Claire off as food was also very uncool. I think she made a bad decision that will effect the dynamic between Claire and herself for books to come. I also with Oliver wasn't such a bad guy. I like his character and could totally add him as a fav if it weren't for the whole Micheal thing, of course. I don't know how much longer I will be able to take the action packed, never stopping, pace of this series but I will continue reading until I need a break. Pretty heart wrenching, shocking, and leaves you needing to know what will happen next!