A review by angielisle
A Beastly Scandal by Shereen Vedam


A rainy day Regency-romance. I'm admitting out-right, this isn't a genre I normally read because I'm not a fan of straight-up romance but I won a free copy of this book, in exchange for a review, during a book-club giveaway so I read it.

In the first couple chapters of the book, I expected sex galore, à la Harlequin-Romance style, but the book surprised me because sex is implied and left to the imagination - which I appreciate because I didn't have to skim pages.

Some of the descriptions in this story remind me of Wilkie Collins (The Haunted Hotel is foremost in my mind), with a dash-more romance flavored by Disney whimsy. With the way sex is handled, this story is appropriate for a younger audience, perhaps girls too old for Disney princesses but too young to be hard and cynical (like me).

The story does utilize a mystery but I solved it quickly because...well, I can't tell you. But, it was an obvious clue that someone who knows how to read the format of a mystery book will spot immediately. Someone less acquainted with detective/mystery/horror novels -like a younger audience- might not catch the clue so easily.

I don't read this genre very often because most of the romance doesn't feel real to me. That holds true for this story but, keep in mind, I'm biased as h-e-double hockey sticks. If you want a nice rainy afternoon regency-romance to cuddle up with in a chair by the window, disregard my bias. This book fulfills that purpose.