A review by booksforchristiangirls
Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould


{Yesterday we switched it up a bit here on BFCG…we talked about Music! Did you enter the giveaway? Click here to enter! }

About this book:

“Can Bea and Ben Turn Rivalry Into Romance?
Beatrice Zook knows God wants her to learn patience toward others. When assisting a family overwhelmed by triplets proves surprisingly successful, her confidence in dealing with others, both young and old, grows.
One person she'll never be able to find peace with though is Ben Rupp. They've known each other forever, and Ben understands precisely how to antagonize her. What neither she nor Ben will admit is that beneath all their bickering, attraction awaits. When friends decide to try and bring the couple together, will the pair be able to find true love? Or will they damage their relationship beyond repair?”

Series: Book #4 in “The Courtships of Lancaster Country”. {I have read #3, “Minding Molly” (review here—old rating system though!), but have not read #1 or #2.}

Spiritual Content- Psalm 143:8 at the beginning; Many Prayers & Silent Prayers over food; “Thank you, Jesus” & “Praise God” are both said a couple times; Talks about God (but the ‘H’s aren’t capital); A couple of Scriptures are quoted; Bea’s Faith becomes stronger in this novel.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: an ‘idiot’ and six forms of ‘stupid’; a curse is said but not written; a mention that a man was stabbed to death in 1593; mentions of hunting (a deer is killed (barely-above-not-detailed); Blood (barely-above-not-detailed).

Sexual Content- a semi-detailed kiss; Noticing (not-detailed); Poetry & Sonnets about Love; Many mentions of nursing babies; Nan says that she “can’t image having more children. Of course if that’s what God has for us…although at this point it’s not like Bob and I even have time to hug each other, let alone..” she laughs & says she’s balling; Don’s a flirt; a man tries to force himself on Bea (barely-above-not-detailed); Molly tells Bea that she’s “the most chaste person I know.”; Love, falling in love, trying not to fall in love, & the emotions.

-Beatrice “Bea” Zook
P.O.V. of Bea
345 pages

Pre Teens- One Star
New Teens- One Star (and a half)
Early High School Teens- Two Stars (and a half)
Older High School Teens- Three Stars (and a half)
My personal Rating- Three Stars (and a half)

What I really liked in “Minding Molly” and now in “Becoming Bea” was that the main character really grows in their Faith and outlook on people. That was neat! At first the rivalry between Bea & Ben was cute—it reminded me a bit of “With Every Breathe” by Elizabeth Camden, but one Amish, one Historical.

Link to review:

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
*I received this book for free from the Publisher (Bethany House) through Litfuse for this review.