A review by a_blue_box_full_of_books
Sailor Twain: Or: The Mermaid in the Hudson by Mark Siegel


There are rumors that a mermaid lives in the Hudson River. It is whispered among the sailors to explain all the mysterious disappearances of men and women alike. Sailor Twain is the captain of the Lorelei. The man has a dark secret. The owner of the steamboat is a French man named Lafayette, a living stereotype obsessed by the legend of the mermaid, as he is sure his brother was charmed underwater by the legendary being. He exchanges letters with a mysterious author, specialist of the creature. As the story goes, the three destinies collide. And the mystery of the water nymph is unveiled.

I loved Sailor Twain Or: The Mermaid in the Hudson ! The atmosphere is wonderful, and the story is worthy of the best folktales. The art and absence of colors give a unique, and mysterious atmosphere to the story. It is original, unexpected and really well written. If you love classical 19th century novels by Poe, Twain, Hemingway, or Greek mythology, it is really worth the discovery.