A review by levininja
Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity by Saundra Dalton-Smith


Much needed messages about the different types of rest we need. After I read through and understood what she meant by each of the areas, I think another way of saying the same thing would be to point out several areas of life where we are becoming depleted as a society, but by wording it in this novel framework, she helped me to think about it differently and inspired me to take better care of myself.

Thematically, who she is constantly comes through, which could be a turn off to some people. She’s unapologetically female, Christian, and a doctor, and that pretty much comes through in every page. She doesn’t shove the Christianity down your throat but seems open to encouraging people to find spirituality in whatever realm they can, and just points out that spirituality does have a big impact on health, which I think is a needed message for all of us.

I’m glad she wrote this book! It helped me.