A review by slichto3
Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (And World Peace) by Chade-Meng Tan


This book provides an interesting and somewhat useful introduction to meditation, but that's about it. It teaches you about why meditation might be really useful, as well as how you can start meditating. The start to the how-to was the most useful to me. I'm going to give meditation a shot for a while, and this gave me a straightforward way to pursue that. I found the evidence supporting the benefits of meditation to be less than completely convincing, but still suggestive enough for me to try it. As for changing your life, eh… I don't know that this book really gives you the tools for that. The examples of that were pretty sparing and not all that believable. If you're interested in learning about meditation, I would give this book a moderate recommendation, but, if not, I'd take a pass.