A review by garima89
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez


now that I have it does not feel less than an achievement. The book is like a multitude of similar tales combined into one single book . Its written with utmost explanation to tiniest of details. Its a book about a city that rose from nothing and ended that way too. Its a book about people in the same bloodline sharing similar fates . Its about a house that saw the best and worst of times , and how it holds memories in all corners that are being carried on by generations.No one can weave stories with magical realism like Marquez.
This was a difficult read and definitely not recommended for beginners. The varied changes in stories break flow and then gain it back in almost every page. The tracking of all the characters with the similar names was challenging. The only tip for reading this book, don't keep it down. If you take a break from this book, you might have to start it all from the beginning just like I did.