A review by jekutree
Invincible, Compendium Three by Cory Walker, Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley


Woo boy was this a good book. I don’t even know how to summarize a 144 issue series into one review, but if I had to give a definitive statement on Invincible it would be it’s the most entertaining comic I’ve ever read.

In terms of pure surface level superhero shenanigans, this is in the running for best superhero comic of all time. Easily the best modern take on superhero action and fun. It takes superhero tropes and does it’s on thing with them. It doesn’t deconstruct or reconstruct, it just subverts. There isn’t anything profound you’ll realize from this book like something out of a Moore, Morrison, Ellis etc but it’s just fun. That’s not to say this book doesn’t have anything to say at all, it’s just not the draw of the book. Kirkman throughout the series introduces all these things he loves in cape comics and puts his own spin on things. This book is a love letter to superheroes more than anything. He also briefly comments on the state of comics to varying effect throughout the 144 issue course.

The characters are by far the strongest part of the series. Kirkman really makes you care enough to keep reading to see what’ll happen to all your favorites. There’s no characters you come out outright hating. Sure, there are people I love to hate (Fuck you Thragg, all my homies hate Thragg) but that’s obviously intentional. There’s no character I’d say is my least favorite that would detriment Kirkman’s skill at writing careful, well thought out characters. Kirkman writes characters so well in fact, that it’s hard for me to pick a favorite. The way each character develops over time makes sense and characters always seem justified in what they do. Their actions always line up with their personalities. I also admire how Kirkman makes Mark Grayson do things we as the reader don’t agree with. We see his point and we understand why he’s doing it (from a character perspective) but we still can’t help but cringe when he does it.

The way the way the story progresses is always a surprise. If you asked me where the story would be in 10 issues at any point I’d be more than happy to give you a shrug. Kirkman does such a fantastic job leaving the reader wanting more. You need to see what happens next. He’s a very very exciting writer, he excels at collected edition writing. I read all 3 compendiums in about 5 days, I’ve only done something comparable to this with Ultimate Spider-Man but Bendis has the same strengths as Kirkman with that series.

The art duties are mostly done by Ryan Ottley who kicks ass. He draws fight scenes more gruesome and brutal than any other artist on the market easy. Every fight is engaging and makes me just wanna get right to the next page but I always stop myself from flipping so I can just look at that dude’s art. Invincible vs Conquest from the second compendium is still my favorite fight, but the last fight is a close second. I didn’t expect Kirkman and Ottley to go as over the top as they did for it, but I’m happy they did.

The book does have its fair share of flaws however. Earlier I mentioned Kirkman excels at the binge read format. I don’t think this series would’ve been as enjoyable on an issue to issue, or even a trade to trade basis. These compendiums or the ultimate collections are the only way to read invincible in my opinion. The writing has this Bendis esque decompressed quality to it where you can crush an issue in about 5 minutes. Due to the format though, that criticism is pretty negligible. I also think Kirkman has a tendency to want to shock his viewers. There are several scenes where he think Kirkman just did things to go “WOW LOOK HOW SHOCKING!!!” And of course it’s always done with a splash page reveal. I’m not a fan of this, and some of the shocking moments did turn out to have something important to add to the story but there were definitely a few that left a sour taste in my mouth.

Overall though, invincible is definitely a comic that needs your attention. It’s funny, heart breaking, fun, entertaining and action packed. It has something for everyone and I’d wager it could rope in a lot of manga readers based off the story and how it progresses. A lot of it feels very inspired by various shonen manga. I love this comic and I think a lot of people will.