A review by breezie_reads
Game On by Seressia Glass

Did not finish book. Stopped at 47%.
I really wanted to like this book, and I'm disappointed that I didn't. Although, I also thought it would focus more on the gaming aspect than their attraction to each other, and I was sorely mistaken. I was switching between the audiobook and the physical copy, and I was hoping listening to the audiobook would make it easier to finish, but I just couldn't. I had to tap out at the "Why don't you want to date me? After all, I'm a woke white guy" comment. Like are you fucking for real?

The dialogue and "chemistry" between Aron and Sam felt too forced and awkward. It's very clear that Aron is supposed to be autistic, and as an autistic person myself I clocked him almost three pages into his POV. But I don't think writing him discussing getting into a relationship with Sam as if it was a business deal was a good way to write it. The "rom-com" trip-and-kiss, and then the comment about it being straight from a rom-com immediately after was just bad. It was so cringe and awkward. I also think having him harass Sam about dating him and keep pushing for an answer was a bad choice.

I think a lot of the choices made in this book were not great, actually. It's why I DNF'd it. Like the "#GOALS" comment, and the "he must be a Gemini" comment made before they even started working together. I cannot stand pop culture slang being used in any book, especially when it's so out of place like it was in Game On. I also thought the whole aspect of Aron wanting his company to push for equality and inclusivity in gaming while also not doing any research about anything was a weird choice. How can you be so passionate about something but at the same time not care about it to do the slightest amount of research? Not to be stereotypical here, but I've never met an autistic person who didn't want to research their passion or hyper-fixation or special interest. It's a stereotype for a reason, as much as I hate it.

I knew going into this that I'm not much of a romance fan. I'm very picky about the romance I read, and most of the time I don't have a good time. However, because of the fact that this seemed to focus more on gaming and inclusivity in the gaming community, I hoped I would enjoy it. But the gaming aspect kind of took a backseat a lot sooner than I would have liked it to, which wouldn't have been that big of a deal if the attraction didn't feel so forced and heavy-handed. I think this is my sign to just not bother with romance anymore.