A review by lorienf26
Long Way Down by Krista Ritchie


“He never gives up on me, even when I disappear at night. even when I wane like the setting sun. His love is unyielding and exists to cloak me through heartache, through misery, through laughter and pain. I love him in every moment. In every smile. In every frown. And I will love him after every long way down.”

*violently sobbing in a corner brb*

every time I think it's not possible for my heart to be smashed by this book series, I turn out to be wrong. Cut to me sobbing in bed at 11pm because of certain events occurring - and TEARING BACK UP AGAIN WHEN I REREAD QUOTES. There's genuinely something so raw and beautiful in these books. Can't explain it, but I just love all of these people with my whole heart. Ryke Meadows is a force of nature, and Daisy is such a beautiful character to read - both of them complement each other so well and I adored getting to read more of their story. I was going to immediately dive into the last book, but have decided to wait, because quite truthfully, I'm not ready for this series to be over. I want more time with these characters and every time I think about them, and how far they've come, I want to cry.

4.5 for this one!!