A review by michellesantiago
Beautiful Liar by Lauren Rowe


I fangirled pretty hard for Bad Liar, but man oh man Beautiful Liar is--believe it or not--even better! As a longtime reader of Lauren Rowe and having loved all her books and having said that Bad Liar is one of my top 3, I can honestly say that Beautiful Liar knocked it down a peg. I have a new favorite Lauren Rowe book and it's Beautiful Liar!

Beautiful Liar picks up right where Bad Liar leaves off. That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil Bad Liar for any one as you HAVE to read Bad Liar before picking up Beautiful Liar.

Reed and Georgie scorches! These two! Lauren really turned up the heat in this one. The chemistry between them is off the charts explosive and sexy. There were some steamy sexy times in this book that will leave you panting. One of my favorite sex scenes in the book was where Reed and Georgie weren't even in the same room and it was so damn hot!

My favorite character in the series is definitely Georgie. I really like Reed, but I LOVE Georgie. She is so badass--she's not afraid to tell it like it is, she doesn't take any bullshit from anyone, she gives as good as she gets, and she goes after what she wants, but she also has a lot of heart. She's perfect for Reed because he needs someone who is just as strong-willed and resolute and won't hesitate to call him out when he's being too arrogant or condescending.

The banter between Georgie and Reed, the sexy times, the setting and descriptions of the world of A-listers, rock stars, and music moguls that transport you into that world--Lauren's writing is always fun, but she outdid herself in this book. Beautiful Liar is so readable and devourable that I finished it in 2 sittings. I couldn't stop reading!

I highly recommend picking up the Reed Rivers trilogy. I'm dying for book 3 (thank goodness it's out next week!) and I can't wait to see how everything wraps up, especially after that ending! Ahhh!