A review by canada_matt
The Bourne Objective by Eric Van Lustbader, Robert Ludlum


With another Bourne novel, comes a new walk through literary molasses with a tepid beer as the prize. Lustbader has, again, insulted the Ludlum estate by ruining the wonderful JASON BOURNE character with his ongoing super human abilities that completely Hollywood-ise the famous spy’s ongoing life and treks across the world. As I mentioned in an earlier review, Jason Bourne must have James Bond DNA, as neither ages or loses their ability to fight and race around saving the damsel in distress. The series, commencing with Book 5, could and should have been an individual series and one with no association to the Bourne series. It is truly a ruinous effort to continue the great things that Robert Ludlum created.

While there are now many storylines that each book addresses, including the power struggle within CI and the personal lives of some of the more major characters, the books still plummet in their interest. The reader could surely substitute names of the characters and would likely still not enjoy what is going on. It is just not all that exciting and surely pales in its ability to match up to the original series and the threads of storylines left for the reader after Book 3.

One may ask why I would keep reading if the books sour me so. Perhaps some might even quote from the book of Proverbs (‘a fool who does a stupid thing twice is like a dog returning to its vomit’ [26:11]), and I would not hold a grudge. That said, my incessant need to get through this series that is supposed to be so great and so worth one’s time. Alas, all Lustbader has done is ruined a good espionage series and made it entirely a movie adaptable book… complete with fight scenes, explosions, sex of all kinds, and cheesy one liners.

Can it be? The end is nigh… a light at the end of this painful reading tunnel? Two more (and counting?) to go!