A review by take_me_awayyy
Bang by Lisa McMann


You can find more of my reviews here at: Take Me Away...

After I finished Crash, I wasn't sure I would read this one. It sounded as if it had the same premise, just with someone else with a different vision. I took a chance and requested it on Edelweiss just to see if I would be approved, and if so, I would read it. In short, obviously I was approved. So I gave it a shot. (That was a really, really bad pun....)
In this installment to the Visions series, Jules is still healing from the events that happened at the end of Crash and Sawyer has just revealed that he is now getting the visions. Jules feels responsible for it, so her and Trey help him figure it out. And a good thing too, because this situation is alot more dangerous than in Crash.
What I loved most about this book though was the romance. That one kiss between Sawyer and Jules in the pool area (if you read it, you know what I mean...) In this book we get a better glimpse into their relationship. And trust me, it sizzles. I think what I liked most about it was they cared more about themselves and the vision versus trying to make their parents happy. Everyone grew up a ton.
The writing in this installment is drastically better than the last one as well. This one was infinitely easier to stomach and it called for a much easier read. And because of this, I enjoyed it more. I just wished that it had been a little different than the previous one. Granted this one had a much more dangerous situation, but the execution on trying to find out what it was about was mostly the same. But it was still better than the last.
This series is getting better as it goes on. I can only imagine what is to come in the next one. Especially with the connection that they made at the end of the book. The visions make a lot more sense and everything is coming together. All from that one connection at the end.