A review by bookishwithwine
The Patient by Steena Holmes


Oh this book is twisty! Steena Holmes is a new to me author, and my first book by her did not disappoint. I’ll be back for more!

I will admit that the town of Cheshire seemed a little too storybook for me. So much Alice in Wonderland reference! If that’s your thing, you’ll love this story.

On to the book!

Being a therapist would be such a hard job. You took an oath to keep your patients most private and darkest secrets to yourself. What would you do if a patient told you they murdered someone? Where does the patient confidentiality end, and the protection of the people begin? Where is the line drawn between what’s true and what’s not true?

Danielle has three patients, Ella, Tyler, and Savannah. One of them admits to having killed someone in the past. One of them is deathly afraid of their significant other finding out about them seeing a therapist. The last patient is plotting to kill their parents.

Tami is one of Danielle’s two friends they discuss. She’s a cop whose working on solving the murders that have been happening in their small town of Cheshire. The two women have a mother/daughter relationship. I thought it was going to be a budding romance, but Tami is more the protector type.

The killer in this book sees themselves as an avenger. This seems to be the theme in a lot of books I have read lately. They are only killing the parents and leaving the sleeping child alone. These parents are abusers or harmful to their child in some way in the eyes of the killer.

I will admit the further I got into the book, the more predictable it became. That was ok to me because even though I figured it out, there was still more of the story to uncover!

There were some really good twists thrown in. The author leaves it open at the end for a follow up, and I hope she does!

Thank you @NetGalley @LakeUnionPublishing for this ARC.

Grab you copy October 15th, 2019