A review by thebookishdogmom
Wine or Lose by Amanda Chaperon

  • Loveable characters? No


I feel duped. This book was marketed with the following tropes: 
-workplace romance 
-rivals to lovers 
-small town 
-sisterly bonds

You know what's NOT on this list, but should be? Accidental pregnancy. Im sorry, but readers deserve to know what they're fully getting into. Tropes can be loved, hated, or triggering. I personally do not seek out this trope, and has i known it was part of the storyline, I'd have passed on this. 

But I did read it. And I did finish it. And even with the accidental pregnancy, I still didn't like it. 

Cal was a grade A asshole. The man hated Amara so much that he tried to undermine her to her family and stage a coup. Why would he ever think her family would go along with him and not their daughter/sister? My guy is delusional. Not only that, but he's incredibly disrespectful ALL THE TIME. He calls her Princess during work meetings, with family and other associates around! Thats fine behind closed doors when they're one on one but this was not that. The audacity boggles my mind as well as the fact that he was never fired for the way he treated Amara. You're telling me the CFO of a company never bothered to look into his new CEO's credentials or finances for the past 5 years to truly understand her education, credentials, work ethic, and experience? It's wild to me. He undermined her every chance he got and didnt understand why that would be a problem. And we are supposed to love him bc he gives good dick? I dont think so. 

Amara wasnt much better. She is kind of a loose cannon. Hot and cold, happy to angry real quick. Her feelings for Cal seemed fleeting and unstable. She loves him but then hates him for various reasons. And then is quick to forgive him. If she wanted to put him in his place, she would have been up front with him about who she really is instead of allowing him to treat her like shit for 5 years. 

The last thing I'll say is that it just felt like throwing tropes at the wall to see what sticks. There were too many things going on, and it was all over the place. The whole book had this chaotic energy that left little rokm for a solid plotline start to finish and lacked true character development. 

The best part about the whole book was the spice. Cal and Amara had crazy chemistry and got down and dirty. Many times. So at least that was enjoyable. 


-workplace romance 
-rivals to lovers 
-small town 
-sisterly bonds
-accidental pregnancy 

Spice: 4/5 

First person/Dual POV