A review by kayladaniella
Together We Burn by Isabel Ibañez


3/5 stars

I really loved the concept of this book, but it was executed AWFULLY. The setting is in a fantasy Spain where they speak Spanish and instead of bull fighting its dragon fighting. It was a super unique setting and way of writing the story, incorporating Spanish language.

The plot is the real bummer of the story. Zarela decides that after her Dragonador father is gravely injured, she is going to become a Dragonador herself. Thing is, she literally never becomes one and theres only like 2 training scenes. Very pointless plot point. The prologue is Zarela's mother dying and then chapter one is the same sort of attack exactly a year later. It made the prologue pointless cause its literally EXACTLY the same as chapter one. The only reason the prologue existed is because
Spoiler Arturo was the dragonador who failed to kill the dragon so therefore “killed” Zarela's mother.
It just had no good reason to exist and made me angry. It wasn't a good start to the story. And now onto the other spoilery stuff thats making my blood boil.

SpoilerThe whole mystery of this book is just a man who just wanted a daughter and was jealous of his brother, so he caused all these murders because his brother had a kid with the woman who he loved and he believed Zarela should be his and not his brothers? Wtf. Then, he captures her and wants to cart her away to an estate where she'll be fully taken care of, just so that she'll be his daughter? Idk man, it seems stupid. Just like why. It was possibly one of the most stupid things I've ever read. Oh, and another dumb plot point. Zarela's fathers death. It was so brushed over that there were no emotions. We were basically told "yeah I poisoned your father and he died" and all Zarela does is be like "oh no why wasn't I there" which is so stupid beyond belief. There was no point of her father's death. Ok and then also, the whole talk about the association and Martina Sanchez being at fault when they literally weren't. What was the point of them? They just feel so random and there is no closure to their story. They are fighting that dragon fighting is bad and in the end dragon fighting is still like socially acceptable because of tradition and history? Huh? What side are you on Ibañez? All these things made this book suck. It would've been cool if the twist wasn't so painfully stupid.

Also, there was WAY to many "burning" metaphors. I get it, the book is about dragons and the title is Together We Burn, but if I have to here another reference to them burning and being like fire and being red, I will scream. So yeah, this book had lots of potential but just the execution and plot was such a painful let down that it didn't just disappoint me but it angered me.