A review by lungteeth
The Almost Moon, by Alice Sebold


This was one of the most poignant books I've read.

I've noticed many of the reviews saying that this book is completely laughable. People have a tendency to laugh in the fact of that which they don't want to understand.

Of course the protagonist is unlikeable; she's completely emotionally detached and exists as a husk of a person, exhibiting impulsive yet listless behaviour despite having constant horrible memories and thoughts. This is exactly what happens when a person grows up in a loveless household; what this book captures isn't just bitching and moaning about a mentally ill loved one, but how it fundamentally affects a person.

The book wasn't perfect and I think there were some continuity errors, but for what it is I think it's perfect. I didn't hugely like The Lovely Bones and consider this a much rawer, more condensed tale in the same vein. For tackling what it did in such a manner, I'm giving it 5 stars.