A review by omgbeansgoreadabook
The Wicked + The Divine #3 by Kieron Gillen

So I ended up printing out all of the covers from the comics. They're just so beautiful I couldn't help myself. Just look at The Morrigan up there! Major googly eyes. ;)

In the third installment of The Wicked + The Divine, Laura (our super-fan-girl) finds herself in the middle of an abandoned underground subway station, expecting to find The Morrigan, but instead she ends up finding someone completely and horrifyingly different: Baphomet. Everything has gone haywire.

Skip to a few pages later and another God called Badb shows up. Baphoment and Badb end up dueling a little and exchanging some hilarious but cutting insults back and forth before the riot squad finally decides to do their job and turn up. My only issue with this is the fact that I have no idea why they were fighting in the first place. Is it just because Baphoment is insanely cocky? Is it because Badb just has anger issues like we all know Gods in mythology tend to have? Who knows. Hopefully it will get answered in the next issue.