A review by heather425
Family of Liars by E. Lockhart


Family of Liars is the prequel to we were liars. Told from the perspective of Carrie we learn how the Sinclairs began. It's the timeless story of how those with enough money can make any problem disappear.
Which is good because there are definitely huge problems in the Sinclair house. Or rather on their island. The Sinclair family has houses on their own private island, Beechwood. We learn that Carrie and her three sisters with their parents summer there. As this summer begins Carrie is addicted to codeine from having jaw surgery and the whole family is grieving the death of the youngest Sinclair, Rosemary. Last summer Rosemary drowned and no one wants to talk about her. Carrie is the eldest and she can't believe all of the others have just gotten over the loss.
To keep them distracted the oldest cousin brings along her boyfriend and two of his friends. Along with this Carrie discovers a mysterious photograph in her mother's room. And now Rosemary is appearing to Carrie as a ghost.
This book works as a stand alone story while still expanding the world built in we were liars. Characters felt more relatable than in we were liars. Who hasn't known someone like Pfeff, unfortunately. I wish there was more than just Carrie's voice in this story. Hearing from even just Penny would've helped this become more of a tie in to we were liars. Overall this was well written and a quick read.