A review by prationality
Witch High by Denise Little


This was a quick read for me for when I'm cooking or in between homework assignments. I enjoyed the anthology, for everything I questioned in the Harry Potter/magical boarding school world there was an answer in one of these stories pretty much. Some fared better then others (I thought the story "Boil and bubble" by Phaedra Wheldon could have benefited from a longer format while Jody Lynn Nye's "A Learning Experience" was perfectly suited to the shorter form), but they all entertained me.

I wouldn't mind if a few even got expanded in some way; Kristine Kathryn Rusch's "Domestic Magic" was well contained, but had little hints at the end that there could be more to the story. Debra Dixon's "Coyote Run" was fascinating in how it approached the traditional role of the witches' familiar and I wouldn't mind if she explored Izzy's life after a bit more.

If you enjoy anthologies this is a solid one. Some of the authors are well known for their anthology works and others have longer novels that their shorter stories don't tie in with and thus don't do those longer works any great justice. In the end its not a bad way to pass some in between free time when a longer novel isn't possible.