A review by gmrickel
Bitch Planet #7 by Valentine De Landro, Taki Soma, Kelly Sue DeConnick


Initial review thoughts: when I got this issue in the mail, I couldn't wait to get home and read it. Somehow though, it ended up sitting on my desk for nearly a month. I think I wasn't ready to get back to BP. I've been avoiding it. Sometimes I start filling up with inexplicable anxiety and seem unable to do anything, including read my favorite comic. This comic forces me to face all things I repress, and I usually have to be in a pretty healthy space to face them. For the last month, for various reasons, I haven't been there. But today I started turning things around and finally got to reading this issue. The storyline is setting up for some serious shit to hit the fan and I'm so excited to see where the creators take it! And the extra material at the end, the essays, letters, art, tweets, etc. was as impactful as always. Also, I learned a new word: kyriarchy. If you want to know me well, read this comic. NOW!