A review by motherhorror
Until the Sun by Chandler Morrison


I'll admit that sometimes, I go into a book with some preconceived notions based on expectations generated by social media or maybe some other random influences.
When I picked up UNTIL THE SUN by Chandler Morrison, I was prepared to face a vampire novel leaning heavily on Chandler's brand of extreme horror/bizarro.
I was surprised by the first sentence: "Google tells you that you're going to die at 7:06 AM". I don't read very many books in the second person POV, you. So that was totally unexpected; it started the chain of surprises in store for me during this read.
This is a coming-of-age story about a 15-year-old boy that wakes up to discover his foster parents are being fed upon by a small gang of vampires.
He's invited to join their ranks. They call him, Casanova.
"Well la-dee-da, look at Casanova."
Readers will find themselves growing increasingly more engrossed in the story of young Casanova as he tries on the new lifestyle this gang of vampires model for him. Parties. Sex. Drinking. Drugs
The characters are constantly referring to a mentor named, Ambrosio and I think the desire to have Casanova encounter Ambrosio for the first time is one of the most compelling aspects of UNDER THE SUN.
For fans of vampire novels, this one is a must read. Morrison's vamps are modern, hip, and sexy. Sometimes the kills are brutal in a traditional Splatterpunk style and sometimes the kills are almost like a fever dream, stradling the edge of what is really happening and what is maybe the hallucinations of a young man trying illicit drugs for the first time.
Certain sentences stood out to me like neon signs; pure terror. I was sufficiently creeped out several times.
Stylistically, I enjoyed the second person POV and the titles for every chapter. I can't stress how much I love titled chapters. This was a fun and exciting read getting to know Morrison's voice and imagination. i'm looking forward to reading more of his work.