A review by somethingarosie
Being Various: New Irish Short Stories by Lucy Caldwell


This is a fantastic collection of short stories; the most consistently engaging I've read. With collections, it's a lottery. Some stories can be hits while others will miss. Being Various has very few misses. Even those weren't bad, just not personal favourites. Every single story is engaging and captivating. The only thing worth noting is that none of the stories here are particularly jovial. Not sure what that says about Irish writers; maybe we just love to write depressing shit.

It features contemporary Irish short stories by a diverse range of authors, showcasing the variety and richness of modern Irish writing. The anthology includes works by established writers as well as emerging voices, reflecting the complexities and nuances of Irish life and culture today.

With the wide variety of authors and tales told, this gives a great overview of contemporary Irish literature. Well worth reading.
