A review by finlaaaay
Meanwhile by Jason Shiga


I mentioned in another review (If) that I had gotten a sudden desire to try a game-book or Choose Your Own Adventure-type book again. This came up on a couple of searches.

It's quite a special little book - its pages are made from heavy plastic, and it's formatted as a comic, but where you have to follow little nodes to get to the next panel. Every time the node splits, you can choose which path to take, and then follow it onto little tabs to take you straight to the next page. There's a bit of puzzle-solving to do in order to get the good endings, or to find the secret panels. I probably spent a couple of hours going through each page to make sure I'd found everything. The story is a bit bonkers and definitely aimed at children, but has a few metaphysically difficult ideas too. What a sentence.

Spoilerthere's also a secret page which can only be found by turning the pages like a normal book!

Anyway I really enjoyed it. It felt like a unique experience.