A review by ctorretta
The Reapers by Jacinta Maree


Although this is a series you do not have to read the first book to understand the second. Surprisingly, although they are related, they are completely different. The second book answers some questions from the first. I'm curious how these would work out of order because in book one, My Demonic Ghost, I had so many questions that I may have enjoyed it even more having these answers right at the gate.

The really interesting thing here is that this story is told from a completely different perspective and it is one that I really resonated with. The downside to this storyline is how Jordon. I felt like his transition could have been a lot smoother and some conflict could have been avoided and Jordon is another character, much like Lock in My Demonic Ghost, that I had some troubles with. I feel like he has some issues (being a reaper is sort of an issue!) but he is really dramatic with his issues. Maybe I'm weird but I think I would love to have my own Goon (heck I have four, they just don't eat souls) so every time he was freaked about something I just couldn't fully engage with him. But in Jordan's defense he is dealing with quite a lot and Raix just makes his life crazy. And funnily enough Raix listens just like my pups do too!

As the story moves along I really started getting into it and enjoying the fully supernatural aspect. Jacinta Maree just has this way of writing that I really can sit back and enjoy. I really liked having some of the characters back and there are a ton of new characters in this too, although Raix is still my fav, I just cannot help myself!

I'm finding that Jacinta Maree has an imagination like no other. Her stories are fabulous with characters that I can really sink my teeth into. Although these are a bit on the creepy side, I can see these books entertaining a myriad of people. They're just that much fun.