A review by nicolepeck
Autumn Masquerade by Donna Hatch, Nancy Campbell Allen, Josi S. Kilpack


A Merry Dance by Josi S. Kilpack: This was a fun story with entertaining characters and story line. There was a lot of humor in this one that I appreciated, as well as how the characters began falling in love with each other. It got a bit sticky towards the end when Neville made a reappearance and Lila had to come to terms with her feeling for both men. There were many sweet moments as well, though the immaturity of Lila frustrated the situations sometimes as well. A great read!

Unmasking the Duke by Donna Hatch: Hannah is very shy, but she thinks the Duke of Suttenberg is extremely stuck-up, especially since he never seems to remember having met her every time he encounters her. However, the autumn masque changes all that when behind their masks they meet at the ball, neither knowing who the other is. Hannah's personality blossoms behind her Aphrodite mask and falls for the charming Musketeer who notices her and listens to her opinions and enjoys her conversation. This was a fun, light, and enjoyable novella trying to connect the two characters after the ball as the Duke tries to discover the identity of his Aphrodite, while Hannah shies away after realizing that her Musketeer is indeed the Duke!

What's in a Name? by Nancy Campbell Allen: What happens with identical twins whose personalities are complete opposites living with an aunt who favors one over the other and pushes her toward marriage with a duke when she's in love with the village doctor? They switch places, of course! A cute story about two love stories, though the focus is mainly on the duke and Penny's story, with Persephone's and the doctor's being secondary. A cute, funny, enjoyable, entertaining story.

Overall, I enjoyed the theme of the masquerade balls in each story. While the stories were sometimes predictable and cheesy, I still enjoyed the entertainment and break from reality. :)

***I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.***