A review by magazine_euphemism
Advanced Rhinocerology: "to help you through the jungle" by Scott Alexander


The entire metaphor of this book is that people who have a drive-in their lives, who either work hard enough to get the top spot or who are willing to start their own business are Rhinos. Everyone else, the commonplace workers, are cows. A bit of a harsh metaphor to start with, saying that anyone who isn't at the top of a company is a cow, but that's what the books based on and it's far from its worst feature.
A self-help book written in the '80s, that seems to be focused on men. To say that it took a tough-love approach would be too polite. This book says that everyone can be a CEO and if you aren't, you are lazy, you don't care, you are going to be unhappy and you are a cow.
The fact that the book is completely antigovernment (that's where super-cows work) and ridiculously pro-cop, and military felt more like the author's personal rants pouring through his actual advice. He marks the hippies of the '60s (who he wouldn't have been old enough to remember, considering he was 25 in 1980) as socialists and communists, who were far too liberal, because they didn't want people forced to fight in Vietnam, wanted gun control and wanted seat belt laws. I understand that this book is old (it talks about how computers might be in everyone's houses one day) but the privilege and deeply conservative opinions of the author make it almost unreadable. There were a few pieces of good advice sprinkled throughout, but they were so few and far between it didn't matter.
This wasn't a self-help book but rather a spewing of the author's personal political beliefs, wrapped around a metaphor that directly calls fast-food workers, grocery clerks, and trashmen cows.
I'm fully aware that no one is going to be going out and buying this book--it's over 40 years out of date but omg, it was a product of it's time in the worst way possible.