A review by kerryanndunn
Tales of Falling and Flying by Ben Loory


I'm afraid if I were to use all the adjectives that apply to Ben Loory's stories, someone would roll their eyes, because how could it be possible that ALL these adjectives are apt? I would be called hyperbolic and fawning. But then I would hope that the eye roller would read the stories and understand and then agree with me. So here goes: wonderful, magical, funny, heartbreaking, surreal, fantastic, anthropomorphic, scary, melancholy, joyful, playful, insightful, prophetic, fabulistic. Ok I'll stop.

And remember, Ben Loory rhymes with story. Now that is apt.

P.S. A few of my favorites in this collection: The Dodo, The Frog and the Bird, Death and the Lady, The Ocean Next Door