A review by shh_reading85
Tame Me by J.L. Leslie


I received this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review.
To view this review and more, visit me at Shh, I Am Reading

The story is: Sister (Lennon) plots against overbearing, overly protective brother (Stellan) by hiring a young and pretty woman (Wren) to cook and clean for him. Easy enough job, especially as it is one man making a mess.
Both are attracted to each other even though they try to stay away. Eventually, Wren worms her way under Stellan's skin and into his heart.

Holy steamy sex scenes batman! Whoa!
There is a lot of adult content in this, especially swearing and descriptive sex scenes.
I read this while laying down with a migraine and it was well worth the read.

So, how can I get paid $70K a year to clean a house and cook for one handsome man, and end up getting the guy in the end too? Ha ha.

Stellan was a bit of an asshole at first, but as some of his past was revealed, it is any wonder how he and his siblings aren't more closed off from life.

I definitely had some serious feels for this book, especially when Wren had to deal with her sister's illness. I cried my heart out for Wren; such a terrible ordeal to have to deal with. Oh the feels! The feels!


For a stand alone novel in a series, this was well written and having read the series now, it is my favourite book out of the three Zane series. The author had a good story to tell here.
(More reviews from the series to come.)

I recommend this to those enjoy a good romance story.